Apple has released iOS 5 Beta 6 recently, Now Redsn0w 0.9.8b6 is here to jailbreak the latest Beta of iOS 5.

We’ve released redsn0w 0.9.8b6 to jailbreak iOS5 beta6 (point it directly at the beta6 IPSW). Two important notes about this version:
(1) Please let your device boot normally to IOS5b6 and do a clean shutdown (slide to power off) before jailbreaking.
(2) Boot logos have intentionally been disabled for now, so you’ll see a black screen on tethered boots (you can re-enable logos or verbose boot with command-line options if you really want them back). Due increased sensitivity to abrupt filesystem shutdowns in IOS5b6, it’s very important that you do a clean shutdown before running redsn0w.
Note: This is a tethered jailbreak meaning that you will have to jailbreak your device every time the divece reboots or loses power.
Download Redsn0w 0.9.8b6 for:

We’ve released redsn0w 0.9.8b6 to jailbreak iOS5 beta6 (point it directly at the beta6 IPSW). Two important notes about this version:
(1) Please let your device boot normally to IOS5b6 and do a clean shutdown (slide to power off) before jailbreaking.
(2) Boot logos have intentionally been disabled for now, so you’ll see a black screen on tethered boots (you can re-enable logos or verbose boot with command-line options if you really want them back). Due increased sensitivity to abrupt filesystem shutdowns in IOS5b6, it’s very important that you do a clean shutdown before running redsn0w.
Download Redsn0w 0.9.8b6 for: